Welcome to Perfect Pixels, a place where you can browse my archived collection of photos from 2001-2015.
My name is Nicole, and I have personally taken all the
photographs you will find here. I live in the west suburbs of Chicago.
Ever since I can remember, I've always enjoyed taking photos. I've gone
through my share of 35mm cameras growing up, but didn't get serious until I
bought my first digital camera, a Nikon 885, in October 2001. Finally I was
free to experiment without the high cost of film and processing getting in
the way!
Since 2001 I've gone through several digital cameras with my current
one being a Canon R7 to capture birds and other wildlife, and my iPhone for more casual photography.
I bring my camera along on all my excursions, whether it
be out of state, or to a local park, forest preserve, or nature area, because you never know when
you're going to come across a photographic opportunity. I
love capturing the beauty of the world for all to see.
I really hope you enjoy your stay; thank you for visiting!
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